Beyond inclusion towards transformative education

IX International Vygotsky Seminar 

Turin, 9 - 12 April 2024

Seminar presentation

This international seminar aims at enhancing the dialogue between the fields of theory and research inspired by Vygotskijan works on defectology in relation to educational and clinical practices. This choice is based on the idea that such studies are a thread that runs through all of Vygotsky's work and deserves special attention due to the contribution it brings for a deeper understanding of his entire theory.
Among the theoretical frameworks that were elaborated during the 20th century and continue to guide research in psychology and education, the cultural-historical perspective seems to have been the one with least influence on educational practice. However, various concepts and principles developed by Lev Vygotsky and his collaborators (the cultural-historical "school") are the grounds for current conceptions of child psychic development and the structure of the human mind.
There are several reasons that could explain this asymmetry:

A restricted and superficial knowledge of Vygotskian thought and the difficulties in reading practices from a Cultural-historical perspective represent a barrier to understand the transformative potential of this paradigm. However, today - as in the early 1900s - the work of Vygotsky and his research group offers many insights to interpret and address the epistemological and social crises of the contemporary human sciences.
This gap between theory and practice becomes paradoxical when we look at issues of inclusion in formal education. On one hand, the theoretical elaboration is indebted to the cultural-historical perspective while, on the other hand, cognitivist and behaviorist interventions remain prevalent when it comes to promote inclusion in formal education.

Nevertheless, Vygotsky's work has offered various stimuli for: 

The 9th Vygotsky International Seminar will be dedicated to a critical reading of the texts collected in The Fundamental problems of Defectology. These studies allow to identify the elements that define the whole structure of the Vygotskian thought and that still today are a crucial reference to allow us to reflect on inclusion processes: the nature of the mind and it social construction, the central role of concept formation, the dialectical method, the role of cultural mediation, the historicity of human beings. Theoretical and empirical presentations based on Cultural-historical perspective as well as inclusive professional practices will be accepted.

We welcome presentations that contribute to better understanding concepts and practices in the field of inclusion and work with people living in vulnerable conditions and with marginalized/discriminated populations, on different axes:

Paper session: theoretical research and empirical investigation involving a cultural-historical perspective .
Roundtable: discursive exploration and analysis of texts or issues collected in The Fundamental problems of Defectology or related works.
Workshop: critical reflection on professional and institutional practices in education, psychology, social work.

New deadline: 12 November 2023


Registration now open

Scientific Committee 

Scientific coordinator

Diego Di Masi, Università di Torino

International Scientific Committee

Amalia Álvarez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Aleksandar Baucal, University of Belgrade

Marie-Cécile Bertau, Université de West Georgia, USA

Michel Brossard, Université Bordeaux

Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, Université de Genève

Yves Clot, professeur émérite, anciennement CNAM

Ana Paula de Freitas, Universidade São Francisco

Diego Di Masi, Università di Torino

Pablo Del Rio, Universidad Carlos III Madrid

Flavia Faissal Sousa, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

Janette Friedrich, Université de Genève

Francesca Giovanna Maria Gastaldi, Università di Torino

Anne Clerc-Georgy, HEP Vaud

Christophe Joigneaux, Université Paris-Est, CNAM

Monica Kassar, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul

David Kellogg, Sangmyung University

Cristina Lacerda, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Irina Leopoldoff Martin, Université de Genève

Beatrice Ligorio, Università di Bari

Eliane Lousada, Universidade de São Paulo

Lavinia Magiolino - UNICAMP

Pina Marsico, Università di Salerno

Daniel Martin, HEP Vaud

Francesca Mazzocchi, Università di Torino

Elena Mignosi, Università di Palermo

Christiane Moro, Université de Lausanne

Daniele Morselli, Libera Università di Bolzano

Nathalie Muller Mirza, Université de Lausanne

Christianne Ramos, Universidade Federal do Pará

Peter Renshaw, University of Queensland

Jean-Yves Rochex, Université Paris 8

Luciane Maria Schlindwein, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Bernard Schneuwly, Université de Genève

Pascal Sévérac, Université Paris-Est Créteil

Chiara Sità, Università di Verona

Paolo Sorzio, Università di Trieste

Daniela Steila, Università di Torino

Alessio Surian, Università di Padova

Valérie Tartas, Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse

Therese Thevenaz, Université de Genève

Jairo Werner, Universidade Federal Fluminense